AECO develops guidelines for two new landing sites in Western Svalbard

July 3rd, 2017

Press release from AECO – Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (03.07.17)

This week, experts are conducting inspections of Fuglehuken and Sallyhamna, two sites in Svalbard that are expected to receive an increasing number of cruise tourists. The purpose of the inspection is to develop guidelines that allow tourists to visit the sites without disturbing their unique nature and cultural remains.

Experts will study every aspect of the two sites, including the local flora. Depicted here is Dagmar Hagen, Senior Research Scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, on a previous site inspection. (Photo: Ole Magnus Rapp).
Experts will study every aspect of the two sites, including the local flora. Depicted here is Dagmar Hagen, Senior Research Scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, on a previous site inspection. (Photo: Ole Magnus Rapp).


Unique and vulnerable areas

Seeing the Arctic up close is one of the attractions of expedition cruises in the polar regions. Itineraries often include excursions and landings that give travelers the opportunity to go on shore and get a closer look at the area’s terrain, vegetation and wildlife. Some spots also offer visitors a glimpse into the region’s history in the form of man-made structures and other signs of human activity. However, visitors must tread carefully and take care not to leave traces of their visit.

Minimizing impact

The expedition cruise industry, represented by Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO), has been working with authorities in Svalbard to ensure that visits to vulnerable sites are well regulated. A central tool in this process are site specific guidelines that map and describe individual sites. The guidelines give advice on how tour operators can carry out landings with groups of people while avoiding negative environmental impacts and safety risks.

Sustainable site management

AECO’s Executive Director Frigg Jørgensen says that the site guidelines constitute an effective management tool for Arctic tourism.

“Before these guidelines were established, the authorities in Svalbard were actually considering closing some of these sites to tourism. The guidelines make it possible to regulate visits, and give operators the information they need to make responsible and careful use of these magnificent sites,” says Jørgensen.
The site guidelines project is financed by Svalbard’s Environmental Protection Fund and is one of several initiatives to preserve Svalbard’s distinctive wilderness as a basis for experiences, knowledge and value creation. Since 2011, AECO has created guidelines for 20 sites in Svalbard. This summer, experts will inspect and develop guidelines two additional sites on the west coast of Spitsbergen: Fuglehuken and Sallyhamna.

AECO’s site guidelines for Svalbard have served as a model for site guidelines for Russia’s Arctic National Park, and has inspired similar initiatives in Canada, Greenland and Iceland.

Experts will study every aspect of the two sites, including the local flora. Depicted here is Dagmar Hagen, Senior Research Scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, on a previous site inspection. (Photo: Ole Magnus Rapp).

AECO – Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators
Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators is an international organization for expedition cruise operators and associates in the Arctic, dedicated to managing environmentally-friendly, safe and considerate cruise tourism. The close to 70 international members, included 35 vessel operators, owners and management, and 40-45 expedition cruise vessels that are organized by AECO, represent the great majority of these operations in the Arctic.

Svalbard environmental protection fund
The Svalbard environmental protection fund was established in 2001 under the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act. The fund’s resources will be used to initiate and stimulate projects with the purpose of protecting Svalbard’s environment. The fund is financed by dues and allocation, including the environmental fee paid by all visitors to Svalbard.

Edda Falk, communications manager
AECO – Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators | Cell: +47 47 63 25 50


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Press release in English.

Norsk pressemelding.