Nuuk Community Guidelines

Is all you need

Nuuk is the capital of Greenland, balancing commerce and culture with fresh air and stunning views.

Nuuk means “the headland” in Greenlandic. The city lies at the edge of a large peninsula – hence the name – at the mouth of the vast fjord system “Nuup Kangerlua” meaning Nuuk Fjord.

Nuuk’s embrace of both the traditional and modern can be seen in the city’s dynamic culture and way of life.

The city bursts with local entrepreneurs, food prepared from ingredients harvested straight from nature and sustainable activities, making this city an ideal destination for ecotourists. While Nuuk has a distinctly urban feel (despite its small size), nature is never far away.

The iconic and scenic mountains of Quassussuaq and Ukkusissat are easily accessible and can be hiked just outside of the downtown area.

After departing Nuuk Harbour, the fjord quickly transitions to a true wilderness of snow-capped mountains and barren islands.

Get up close and personal with nature through all sorts of activities. The terrain is ideal for hiking, fishing, kayaking, wildlife viewing, or simply watching the scenery unfold. The wildlife that you might encounter includes whales, seals, a vast variety of birds and the occasional arctic fox or reindeer. Experience the bright nights from June to August or discover the northern lights from August to May.

Whatever experience or activity you dream of, it can be done in the colorful nature of Nuuk.

Nuuk community guidelines


  • Help keep our beautiful nature clean and use the garbage bins around town. Please leave no trace of your visit.
  • We have many beautiful flowers. Enjoy looking at them but do not pick them.
  • Our nature is beautiful but can be dangerous. Please be aware of demanding terrain and know your own limits! Consult with locals before you enter into our nature.


  • We use facial expressions and body language a lot to communicate. If you do not understand us, please ask.
  • Chat with the locals. We are friendly and we love when you share photos of our culture and national costumes. We firmly ask that you please respect our privacy and ask consent before photographing us and especially our children.
  • We love to have fun and laugh at ourselves. But we are not so familiar with sarcasm. Just a little tip when talking with locals.
  • Our churches are beautiful, and you are welcome to join in the services, which mostly take place in Greenlandic or Danish. Please do not interfere in ceremonies. It’s also a good idea to notice the flag outside the church. A flag that is flying at half-mast means that a funeral is being held.
  • We are descendants of hunters. We are proud that we catch our own healthy food from nature. Please respect our tradition and culture – flensing a seal is part of our everyday life to prepare food.
  • Our cultural remains are not fully explored. Our ancient cairns are still used for navigation and hunting. Please do not touch or move any cairns that you come across.

Practical information

  • We have excellent drinking water. Please enjoy it from the tap!
  • Enjoy your walk around town. Please use the sidewalk when available. Be aware that sidewalks also serve as bicycle lanes. If you have to walk on the streets, walk on the left side of the road and look out for cars.
  • We have many attractive shops and Inuit inspired products. We invite you to shop locally, and we have a Colourful Nuuk app that will guide you around town. Be aware that you might need a certificate with your purchase. We do not have VAT in Greenland.
  • We speak Greenlandic and Danish. Many people understand English, but some may be shy to use it. Everyone is friendly so please say hi and speak slowly.
  • We have a lot of fish, so you are welcome to catch your own. Please remember to pick up your fishing certificate at the post office or ask your professional fishing operator for it.
  • Use only approved boat operators when sailing – for your own safety!









Places to see

1. Tupilak Travel (tourist information)
2. Greenland Escape
3. Nuuk Water Taxi
4. Katuaq (Culture House)
5. National Museum
6. Art Museum
7. Local Museum
8. Mall
9. Post Office
10. Cruise ship welcome centre
11. Police
12. Hospital
13. Old Church
14. New Church


Heading photo: Photo: Mads Pihl, Visit Greenland